Sunday, February 22, 2015

Friends, family, finds, and fun!

How I enjoyed my weekend of partial relaxation. My weekend started with a fun night of trivia. This is my 4th year to participate in a local literary club's trivia night.  It's a fast paced night of 10 rounds of trivia regarding 10 different topics.  The purpose is to raise money for local scholarships.  My team consisted of 7 adults.  I am pleased to say my group won for the third year in a row--many thanks to my sister-in-law who has a bank of knowledge over so many random topics!  The group also includes a silent auction to which I bid on a few items.  These are my finds!

The above photos were titled "Bluebonnet Babies" and are signed by the artist.  They are done in watercolor and I think they are so sweet!

These two, I just liked the flowers!  The dreary days we've had here prompted me to get these to add a pop of color for the house.

Aside from trivia night, there was softball and volleyball to keep me busy.  I do visit the "babies" every chance I get.  They are growing sooooo fast and are the sweetest kids (pun intended) in town ;)

It's hard to get good pictures of them as they want to climb and chew on everything AND everybody! They remind me of a litter of puppies.   They are soft and sweet and smell like leaves and grass. They are inquisitive, playful--simply adorable!

On the crochet front, not too much is happening.  Do you ever go through a lull after completing a project???  I did manage to make a couple of sample squares this week for a future project.  I like how they turned out, especially after a run through the wash.  No loose ends--always my worry.

Today was spent watching the Daytona 500.  Yes, I am a Nascar fan.  This year my daughter's favorite driver since his rookie year WON!  My gosh, the girl went nuts!  It was a fun afternoon spent with family and a good end to my weekend

Hope you added some memorable tales to your diary this week!  Have a great week!

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