Thursday, March 26, 2015

Eggs, eggs, and more eggs!

Not much to post today, but I wanted to share the fruits of my chickens' labor!

Wow!  For months my chickens have been slacking and I was beginning to wonder if it was time to replenish the hen-house.  Well, no worries anymore!  Look at that!  32 eggs.  What does one do with this many eggs?! 

I'm reminded of Bubba from Forrest Gump, but instead of a litany of shrimp dishes--eggs:  scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, eggs benedict, egg salad, poached eggs, fried eggs, egg custard, etc.

Looks like my girls are back in business, and that makes me a happy lady.  Look at those colors, too! Browns, blues, and greens . . .ah!  I love it.

Have an egg-celent rest of the day ;)

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Spring has sprung

It's official. . . spring is here!  No more cold, bone-chilling days full of ominous clouds, fog, mist, and cut-right-through-you wind.  I've been rather lax when it comes to getting my runs in this first part of 2015.  I'm a weeny when it comes to braving the elements and getting to it, and I've come to the conclusion the treadmill just doesn't offer the same cathartic release that an outdoor run provides.

SO. . . yesterday morning, bright and early, I laced up my shoes and hit the pavement!

 So what that the forecast called for 100% rain--AgAIn!!--, so what that my hair was standing on end, so what that my feet were soaking when I got home.  It was glorious! Exhilarating! Uplifting!  How I have missed these days of being alone, clearing my head and thinking of absolutely nothing. 

Aside from the birds flitting about and the occasional rabbit, there was not a soul in sight. Just the way I like it.

Nearing the end of my route, getting tired, losing speed, the intoxicating smells of mountain laurel and weesatch blooms carried by the light breeze served as an elixir to the senses and carried me home.  How I love this time--spring--such a healing balm. Sigh . . .

On the crochet front, I've completed half of my bunco blanket and plan on working up some rows this afternoon.  I wasn't liking this blanket AT ALL in the beginning.  The colors are not my preferred shades, but I have to admit it's growing one me; the more squares I complete, the more I'm starting to like it.

The natural light is almost nil (rainy skies in recovery) and I used my phone's camera so the colors are a bit muted.  Once she's all done, I'll take a proper picture.

Here's hoping spring has sprung in your neck of the woods and put a little spring in your step!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Bunco Blanket 2

Evening everyone!  Just a quick update on my bunco blanket.  Last post I was undecided as to what to do!  After much experimentation, I figured it out.

I decided on simple 5 round granny squares, JAYGO.  I added the "interest" I wanted in the centers. I am using 11 different colors--the six original colors plus a few others.  Some were from my stash and others I picked up from Hobby Lobby over spring break this last week.  I have three rows completed and am working on the fourth as "we speak."  Each row has 9 squares across and I'm thinking I will end up with 11 rows.  We shall see!  I generally steer towards darker, more vibrant colors, but these Eastery colors I think are fitting considering it is a spring bunco tournament.  

Time is ticking . . . I've got to get busy!!

Enjoy your week!

Friday, March 6, 2015

The Bunco Blanket

Just a quick introduction to the latest blanket I'm undertaking.  I have chosen six colors thus far (actually they were for another project :0) and am working on a pattern.  So far, I've completed 1 square and am working on a 2nd. I'm trying to make this blanket using two different types of granny squares so I can make it up quickly, but still have some visual interest.  I LOVE the little sunburst square and I'm a traditional granny fanatic so I'm wanting to use them both.  I'm currently working out the details!!

Each year, our local Rotary Club (of which I'm a member) sponsors a Ladies Bunco Tournament to raise scholarship funds for local high school seniors.   You can read all about the game of Bunco HERE.  Door prizes are given, major prizes are won, and there is always much laughter and fun had by all.   Traditionally, the tournament is held in the fall; however, because our fall bunco night was so successful, we decided to host a second this spring.  My contribution is going to be a blanket--hence the name.  

I don't know that I will stick to these colors, add more, take some away . . . what I do know is I have 5 weeks to figure it out and get it done!  

Wish me luck!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

February Days . . .

14 volleyball games
3 track meets
3 softball games
5 books read
22 miles jogged (striving to better that)
1 crochet blanket finished
1 hair appointment (much needed)

Typical February Fog
February has been such a dreary month.  Many cloudy, misty days. . . and cold.  These are the days that are so un-motivating to me!  All I want to do once I get home is take a HOT shower, put on my fuzzy socks, and hunker down.  WheRe ARe YoU SuNSHiNE??!!!!  The weather has given me an opportunity, however, to get some reading done and finish up a blanket that you can read about in THIS post.  I also introduced myself to a new series of books to which I am dedicating this post.  I LOVE ready cosy mysteries.  Some of my favorites have been the crochet mysteries by Betty Hechtman and the tea shop mysteries by Laura Childs.  I am a series reader, number one, but secondly I like a quick read filled with mystery, a little romance, and relatable characters--bringing me to the current series I am devouring:  The coffeehouse mystery series by Cleo Coyle. I am in the third installment, Latte Trouble.

In all three books, thus far, the main character, Clare Cosi, and her EX husband, Matteo, operate and manage the Village Blend Coffeehouse along with a handful of devout employees.  Both were swindled into not only managing the coffeehouse, but also sharing the top floor well-appointed apartment by Madame, Matteo's mother. She has hopes of the couple reuniting as does their daughter, Joy, a 20 year old culinary student. Clare's days are spent pulling espressos, putting up with her ex-husbands antics, looking for love, and investigating murder.

I'm not wanting to write a full-on review of these books, but if you like lovable, realistic characters, intrigue, humor, murder, New York and coffee, give these books a go.  You can read a more in depth review HERE

Here's hoping March will bring a little "spring" back in my step!