Thursday, March 26, 2015

Eggs, eggs, and more eggs!

Not much to post today, but I wanted to share the fruits of my chickens' labor!

Wow!  For months my chickens have been slacking and I was beginning to wonder if it was time to replenish the hen-house.  Well, no worries anymore!  Look at that!  32 eggs.  What does one do with this many eggs?! 

I'm reminded of Bubba from Forrest Gump, but instead of a litany of shrimp dishes--eggs:  scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, eggs benedict, egg salad, poached eggs, fried eggs, egg custard, etc.

Looks like my girls are back in business, and that makes me a happy lady.  Look at those colors, too! Browns, blues, and greens . . .ah!  I love it.

Have an egg-celent rest of the day ;)

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