Monday, June 8, 2015

May Days . . .

May-Day, May-Day!!!!  It was sink or swim this month!  Here's the breakdown:

3 softball games
2 weddings
1 academic awards ceremony
1 band banquet
1 athletic banquet
Cheerleader try-outs
1 bake sale
1 graduation party
1 book read
1 blanket completed (more in a later blog)
1 retirement party
2 hair appointments
Semester exams!!!
1 webcast meeting
1 jh/hs band concert
1 jh/hs NHS induction
32.2 miles run--not what I wanted, but . . . look at what else was going on!!!! I tried!

Here are some May images . . .


It has been sooooo long since I have blogged.  Life has thrown me a couple of curve balls here at the end of the month.  Nothing bad, but something I'm not quite ready to share, but will SOON!  This month of busy have-to-do-things, also had some want-to and just-happening things.  Husband and eldest plowed the garden and planted pumpkins.  Several varieties this year.  This is a passion of my oldest daughter's.  She LOVES pumpkin.  Pumpkin anything:  scones, pies, tarts, cookies, you name it.  She plants them, harvests them, and preserves all that glorious meat from within!  More pictures on their progress later this month.  They are GROWING!  

Youngest is still very active with her sports.  In fact, today she started a basketball camp.  The above shot is from back in May; just goes to show how much she loves that sport--always dribbling that ball around.  

I am also pleased to show my pear tree has pears!  I've had that tree, I know 5 years, and it has NEVER produced any fruit.  I'm guessing all of the rain we've had this year has contributed.  Looks like I'll have plenty of figs for jams and other sweet treats this year too!  

You can see my sampler blanket laid out above.  It has been crocheted together, edged, and my plan is to block it today.  The middle is a little wonky and needs some straightening out.  I will have a separate blog post on just the blanket, I hope, fairly soon.  With school out, I should have more time to devote to my favorite past-times and chronicle all of them for the world wide web, and myself.  

Here's to a great start to your summer!

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