Wednesday, October 28, 2015

September/October Days . . .

The latest sign outside of my art room

The breakdown . . .

Numerous volleyball games
Numerous cross country meets
One hair cut
2 trips to Corpus Christi
2 trips to Sugarland
1 trip to Houston
3 books read
1 crochet blanket finished
1 Halloween Carnival
2 Rotary Meetings
57 miles run (Only 9 in October ughhhhhhh)
Umpteen days of yearbook pictures
2 send offs (XC and Band)
Got a fitbit . . .will add up those steps later :)
1 new blog

With school back in full swing, and my learning two new jobs, it's been quite busy for me. I started up a new blog for my art classes and have been doing fairly well at keeping up with what's going on in the art room.  October is always a crazy month for me.  Our local fair keeps me busy with both girls having animal projects, working the auction, working the food booth, etc.  We all do, and we are all worn out for days afterward!!  Our local Halloween Carnival is, of course, this month.  Many things are going on in school with games, pictures, art contests, it leaves little time for much else.  I am happy to say, however, that things seem to be slowing down, I've gotten in a little hooky time and that brings me such peace :)

I had two weeks to get a blanket crocheted for our carnival to be used as a raffle prize.  I started on a blanket and realized despite working on it every spare minute I had, there was no way I would finish a blanket in two weeks with everything else going on in my life, so . . .

I switched gears and pulled these little squares out of their resting place.  (Thank the good Lord for WIPs!!)

You might remember these little squares that started out as a baby blanket . . .

Well . . . no baby blanket any more!!  I ended up completing 12 of these squares and then I added two more rounds to each.  Here are some of them . . . 

Not quite completed, but you get the idea . . .

I joined the squares using a yarn that was a pretty close match to the stylecraft I've gotten accustomed to using in a pretty cream color.

I added several more rounds and finished it off with a pom-pom edge.  I'm sad to say that in my hurry to get the blanket finished, laundered, and to the carnival, I failed to snap a picture of the final product!!!!  At least I have this . . .

So, I'm making a valiant effort to blog on my personal blog a bit more than I have been.  Do check out my other blog if you're interested!

Glad you stopped in AND there was something new for you to check out :) Happy Fall!!!

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