Wednesday, December 2, 2015

November Days . . .

Here's the monthly breakdown. . .

1 crochet blanket completed
1 book read
6 birthdays
1 anniversary
52 miles run
3 basketball games
1 state band competition
2 Thanksgiving holiday celebrations

The baby blanket above is one I made for a co-worker and ex-student of mine.
After finishing this blanket, I remembered why I don't make huge granny square blankets.  They always twist and turn on me.  I soaked this blanket in water, stretched it out and let it dry.  After I laundered it and let it air dry, it still turned on me.  I pinned it down and set to steam blocking it.  Same thing.  Sighhhhhhh. . . Hopefully after a few washes it will soften up and relax.  One good thing to come from the project was I learned a new stitch--the reverse single crochet.  Easy peasy to do and it adds a nice rope-like finish to the edge.

Well this is all I have time for today! Thanks for popping in!!!

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